Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Artificial Intelligence at HU Berlin

High Performance Computing & JupyterHub

In addition to the language models at HU Berlin, there are other activities that can be attributed to the field of AI.


With HPC@HU, the CMS of the HU provides an innovative high-performance computing service to make hardware and software for high-performance computing easily accessible to all researchers and teachers at the HU in a centralized and resource-efficient manner. The HU is thus creating a flexible and directly usable Tier 3 HPC offering that meets the very different requirements of the HU's many disciplines. HPC@HU is tackling this challenge with a virtualized infrastructure based on the open source software OpenStack.


The JupyterHub makes it possible to provide a programming environment for teaching with Jupyter notebooks that does not require time-consuming local installation and maintenance for users. Teachers and students can concentrate fully on the specific application (programming, data analyses, statistics) and tailor it to their subject-specific needs in terms of resources and programming environment.